GIS Mapping & Design Services – Young Bear Environmental Consulting provides GIS services to a broad spectrum of clients, including engineers, architects, landowners, prospective property purchasers, governmental agencies, and institutions. Using ArcGIS software, our Mapping & Design Department can create a unique map series for any property, using a combination of publicly available GIS shapefiles and custom geodata collected in the field using GPS technology. High-quality graphics and/or interactive digital desktop viewers are prepared for our clients in an effort to concisely present site conditions and facilitate data analysis.  AutoCAD files are often imported into GIS to generate a true-scale plan series that incorporates site-specific geodata. This is especially helpful for projects that involve natural lands manipulation and regulatory permitting, such as wildlife impact permitting, wetland impact permitting, land management planning, and wetland mitigation design.

GPS Technology – All of our field inspections, wildlife surveys and monitoring events are conducted using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. This technology allows us to quickly locate project boundaries and other points of interest in the field, as well as collect and document field data accurately and in real-time. Our advanced Mapping & Design Department converts GPS data into a custom geodatabase of information for each project site, and generates high-quality graphics that succinctly present field conditions and data.

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